Evergreen Care PTY LTD is a registered NDIS provider. We provide a range of disability services within Brisbane, Queensland. We aim to make a difference in the lives of those with disability. The goal is to make each of our participant’s lives easier, fairer and more involved by participating within their own communities.

Evergreen Care PTY LTD is a company that was established with the sole aim of offering disability services that puts the participant as a priority in creating opportunities, promoting independence and progression in a safe and non-discriminative environment.


Supported Independent Living

Supported Independent Living

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Support Coordination

Support Coordination

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Early Childhood Support

Early Childhood Support

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Transport Assistance

Transport Assistance

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Community Nursing Care

Community Nursing Care

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Specalised Behaviour Support

Specialised Behaviour Support

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Gardening & Housekeeping

Gardening & Housekeeping

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Social & Community Participation

Social & Community Participation

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Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

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Live your best life!

Access care where, when and how you want it.

Frequently Asked Questions

NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. It was established in 2013 under the NDIS Act to provide funding to Australians living with disability so that they can access the support they need to improve their independence over time.

It was progressively rolled out across all states and territories and went into full operation in 2020.

To meet the disability requirement, you would have to provide evidence that:

  • Your disability is caused by an impairment
  • Your impairment is likely to be permanent
  • Your permanent impairment substantially reduces your functional capacity
  • You’ll likely need support under the NDIS for your whole life


Read more about disability requirements

You meet the early intervention requirements if you have evidence of all of the following:

  • You have an impairment that’s likely to be permanent, or that you are a child 6 years of age or younger with developmental delay.
  • Early intervention will help you by reducing your need for supports in the future.
  • Early intervention will help you by either reducing the impact your impairment has on your functional capacity, or support your informal supports to build their skills to help you.
  • The early intervention you need is most appropriately funded by the NDIS.


Read more about early intervention requirements

To apply, you must be younger than 65 on the day you make your NDIS application. 

This means your application needs to be complete, in the right format, and received by the NDIA before you turn 65.

If you’re turning 65 soon and want to apply, contact us so we can help you apply on time.

You must meet the residence requirement in order to qualify. 

  • You are an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
  • You live in Australia.


Read more about the residency requirements.

If you’re aged seven or older, you can apply in one of the following ways: 

  • Your local area coordinator or local NDIS office can help you apply. They can help you through the application process and be your point of contact. Find your nearest location .
  • You can apply over the phone on 1800 800 110.
  • You can complete an NDIS application form .

Families with children younger than seven years are encouraged to talk to an early childhood partner before applying to the NDIS. These partners would provide supports for children before they apply and would advise if NDIS is right for the child.


Read more on how to apply.


NDIS will write to you to confirm your eligibility, and so you become an NDIS participant. After this, you will be contacted to organise your first planning meeting.

Certain original documents will be required for this meeting after which a plan would be created for your disability support needs.

You will be contacted either by phone or your preferred contact method to explain why you’re not eligible. In addition, a letter with the decision would be sent to you to detailing the reasons why you’re not eligible and what you can do next. The NDIS can help connect you with other service to help with your situation.

If you don’t agree with the NDIS decision, you can ask for a review within 3 months of receiving the decision. If you do ask, another NDIS staff who was not part of your initial assessment and decision will take a second look to see if the right decision was made.



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